
IEM researchers participate in the creation of the first entirely Spanish proton tomography scanner. The European Phys. J. Plus. DOI: 10.1140/epjp/s13360-024-05203-1

Researchers of the IEM, working in an international team, explore the first stages of crystallization in noble gases by using X-ray diffraction with femtosecond resolution at the europen "X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) facility".

On 12/12/2023 the Complutense University of Madrid has granted a distinction to the IEM as a Collaborating Entity in the UCM Internship Programs.

New Astonomic Observatory "Colina de los Chopos" for divulgation purposes of The Miguel Antonio Catalán Physics Center (CFMAC)

A study led by IEM researchers sheds light on the viscoelastic behavior of human tears.. "Shedding light on the viscoelastic behavior of artificial and human tears.

Radio PODCAST (RNE,Por Tres Razones (17 de Agosto 2023)): Interview to Dr. Juan Fran Vega about the viscoelastic behavior of artificial and human tears.

A new theory explains superconductivity in spun graphene trilayers. The study, prepared by CSIC scientists with the participation of the IEM, published in the journal Nature Communications, lays the foundations for understanding the mechanisms of certain unconventional superconducting materials.

Annual Report 2022

SARS-CoV-2 contingency plan for CFMAC and its Institutes
(version 8. 04-20-2022)

C/ Serrano, 113 bis, 119, 121 y 123.
Madrid 28006 (ESPAÑA).

Tel. +34 91 561 6800

Institute for the Structure of Matter

The IEM was established in 1976. Initially, the Institute was formed by several researchers working on the fields of Particle Physics, Molecular Physics, Quantum Chemistry, and Crystalline Polymers, with only five scientists on staff. Nowadays the Institute's core mission is to enhance knowledge on the structure of matter in a wide range of physical scales, from the building blocks of matter and space-time, to nuclei, atoms, molecules, and macromolecules, including condensed matter and mesoscopic systems.

Research activities are organized around groups, both experimental and theoretical, covering fields of Gravitational, Nuclear, Statistical, Atomic, Molecular, and Macromolecular Physics. Part of this research is based on large national and international facilities, such is the case for the groups of Experimental Nuclear Physics, Statistical Physics, and Macromolecular Physics.

Currently, the IEM comprises about 45 staff scientists. IEM participates in over 60 research projects, yielding an average of 165 publications per year in prestigious scientific journals. Staff scientists, along with support staff, students and hired personnel add up to about 135 people.

Since 1994 the IEM belongs to the "Miguel Antonio Catalán" Physics Center (CFMAC) .

Its facilities and laboratories are located in four buildings at the main CSIC campus on Serrano St. in Madrid , which also house the facilities of the Institute of Optics and the Institute of Fundamental Physics .


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