Group News (Theoretical Division)

FPI PhD student welcome!!
Beatriz Castillo López de Larrinzar, cosupervised by Antonio García-Martín, IMN (CSIC)

March 2024-2028

Congratulations on your Bachelor's Thesis!!
Lucía Hidalgo Arteaga

Physics Engineering, UC3M, March 8, 2024

Tunable bound states in the continuum in active metasurfaces of graphene disk dimers

Nanophotonics (2023)

JAE Intro student welcome!!
Lucía Hidalgo Arteaga

November 2023-November 2024

Room temperature exciton-polariton condensation in silicon metasurfaces emerging from bound states in the continuum

Nano Letters (2023)


project approved by MICIN (PID 2022)

(2024-2026, started September 2023)

Exploring LIGHT-matter interactions & forces in COMplex PArticle arrayS

Exploiting Oriented Field Projectors to Open Topological Gaps in Plasmonic Nanoparticle Arrays

ACS Photonics (2023)

Direct observation of lateral field confinement in symmetry-protected THz bound states in the continuum

Advanced Optical Materials (2023)


project approved by MICIN (TED 2021)

(2022-2024, started November 2022)

Bound-states-In-the-Continuum-based PLANar photonic devices towards 6G

Engineering bound states in the continuum at telecom wavelengths with non-Bravais lattices

Laser Photonics Reviews (2022)

Tailoring Accidental Double Bound States in the Continuum in All-Dielectric Metasurfaces

Advanced Optical Materials (2022)

Advances and Prospects in Topological Nanoparticle Photonics

ACS Photonics (2022)

Active angular tuning and switching of Brewster quasi bound states in the continuum in magneto-optic metasurfaces

Nanophotonics (2021)

Unveiling Symmetry Protection of Bound States in the Continuum with Terahertz Near field Imaging

ACS Photonics (2021)

Hig–Q Transparency Band in All–Dielectric Metasurfaces Induced by a Quasi Bound State in the Continuum

Laser Photonics Rev. (2021)

Congratulations on your PhD!!
Diego Romero Abujetas

UAM, December 15, 2020

FPI PhD student welcome!!
Álvaro Buendía

November 2020-2024

Kerker Conditions upon Lossless, Absorption, and Optical Gain Regimes

Phys. Rev. Lett. (2020)

Further info: An intriguing link between Kerker conditions and energy conservation from fundamental principles

Coupled electric and magnetic dipole formulation for planar arrays of particles: Resonances and bound states in the continuum for all-dielectric metasurfaces

Phys. Rev. B (2020)

Bound States in the Continuum in the Visible Emerging from out-of-Plane Magnetic Dipoles

ACS Photonics (2020)

Room-Temperature Lasing in Colloidal Nanoplatelets via Mie-Resonant Bound States in the Continuum

Nano Letters (2020)

Spin Angular Momentum of Guided Light Induced by Transverse Confinement and Intrinsic Helicity

ACS Photonics (2020)

Dielectric Nanoresonators and Metamaterials

Special Topic in

Journal of Applied Physics (2019)

Tuning Spontaneous Emission through Waveguide Cavity Effects in Semiconductor Nanowires 

Collaboration with Epitaxial Nanostructures Group  (Universität Regensburg):

Nano Letters (2019)

Brewster quasi bound states in the continuum in all-dielectric metasurfaces from single magnetic-dipole resonance meta-atoms 

Collaboration with Aix Marseille Université, Universida de Cantabria & DIPC:

Scientific Reports (2019)

Spectral and temporal evidence of robust photonic bound states in the continuum on terahertz metasurfaces

Collaboration with Surface Photonics Group (Technical University of Eindhoven):

Optica (2019)

Tuning the period of femtosecond laser induced surface structures in steel: From angled incidence to quill writing

Collaboration with IO (CSIC):

Applied Surface Science (2019)


project approved by MICIU (PGC 2018)


Magneto-Electric-Light Optics in all DIelectric nanostructured mediA

Surface Plasmon Polaritons on Rough Metal Surfaces: Role in the Formation of Laser-Induced Periodic Surface Structures

Collaboration with IO (CSIC), ACS Omega (2019)

AIP Journal of Applied Physics Special Topic "Dielectric Nanoresonators and Metamaterials"

September 1 2018-April 30 2019

José A. Sánchez Gil starts as
Optics Express Associate Editor

since August 2018

German undergraduate student Julia Liebert              (Universität Augsburg)
welcome for internship under
DAAD RISE worlwide program

August-mid September 2018

Invited article: Experimental evaluation of gold nanoparticles as IR scatterers for advanced cardiovascular optical imaging

Collaboration with UAM, UPF, UC3M, IIS-IP, IRYCIS, APL Photonics (2018)

Homenaje CSIC 

June 2018

Light Magnetoelectric Effects on nanostructures (LIMAGE)

Workshop coorganized at DIPC

High-Contrast Fano Resonances in Single Semiconductor Nanorods

Abujetas, Mandujano, Sánchez Gil, ACS Photonics (2017)

José A. Sánchez Gil approved
OSA Senior membership

June 2017

Diego Romero Abujetas awarded FPU PhD scholarship

September 2016

Directional Emission from Leaky and Guided Modes in GaAs Nanowires Measured by Cathodoluminescence

Brenny et al, ACS Photonics (2016)


project approved by MINECO (Excelencia 2015)


Light and electron structured beams: mechanical and magnetoelectric effects in matter


i-COOP LIGHT 2015 project approved by CSIC

(October 2015-2016)

Nanofuentes  Fototérmicas Plasmónicas

Unraveling the Janus Role of Mie Resonances and Leaky/Guided Modes in Semiconductor Nanowire Absorption for Enhanced Light Harvesting

Abujetas et al, ACS Photonics (2015)

Diego Romero Abujetas: Outstanding Student Contributor @RNO 11 Salamanca

Salamanca (September, 2015)

Nanohilos semiconductores para controlar la emisión de luz a escala nanométrica

Source: SINC (June 2015), related to:

Directional and Polarized Emission from Nanowire Arrays

van Dam et al,  Nano Letters

Nueva forma de medir la absorción de la luz en nanohilos semiconductores

Source: SINC (June 2014)


Nanovarillas que generan interferencias actúan como nanoantenas ópticas

Sources: SINC, NCYT (May 2014)


Diseñado un nuevo metamaterial con una propiedad ‘contra natura’

Source: SINC (April 2013)


Gold Nanostars for Attacking Cancer

Source: ScienceShot (January 2012)